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Weird and Wonderful
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For the Modern Complainer


Everyone Realises Ball Sports are All the Same
January 21, 2016

There is now enough anecdotal evidence to prove that all ball-based sports are pretty much the same game, experts say.

Prof. Nigel Simmons, of the Centre for Athletic Development Studies, recently told BitchForum that all of society had come to the conclusion collectively, after centuries of playing ball sports.

“At first, we thought it was an individual problem,” he says. “We thought, ‘are people just ignorant? Do they not pay enough attention?’ But it turns out, there’s actually no difference between games like basketball, soccer and even baseball.”

This new theory was proved just weeks ago when local mum Sharon took her 10-year-old son Jack to sports practice.

“I rocked up to the ‘basketball’ court in our area, and this middle-aged amateur coach had the nerve to tell me I was in the wrong place.”

Without asking any further questions, Sharon went into attack mode, assuming it was a personal slight against her son.

“Of course, I immediately chucked a tantie and demanded to know why my son had been cut from the team,” says Sharon. “It turns out; he wasn’t actually on the team, or even registered to play.”

Slightly too late, Jack piped in to let his mum know he was supposed to be at a grassy field for something called soccer, not the concrete slab with the tall hooped poles.

“The coach forgave my anger, and we had a bit of a laugh. He reckons that sort of thing happens all the time.”

Experts are advising coaches and team managers to just let any kid that arrives at a game the opportunity to play, because according to Prof. Simmons “no one really knows the rules, anyway.”

At the time of press, the state of the Olympic Games remains unconfirmed.

Gun blamed for killing owner
January 20, 2016
In a bizarre twist of events last week, a middle-aged American man was killed in his own home, when his hand-gun decided to go on a blood-thirsty rampage.
Friends and family were stunned by the tragic news, and were understandably still in shock.

“I just don’t understand it,” said close friend and Neighbour Sharon Wilkey.  “That gun has been a docile as a lamb since he brought it home.  There was never any sign that is could be capable of violence.”

The NRA last night released a statement, wanting to assure the public that there is no danger in owning a fire-arm, and that guns don’t kill people.  “In light of recent events, we would like to assure the public that gun ownership is still the best way to keep yourself and your family safe.  While we sympathise with this gentleman’s family, we must assume that this man was not taking proper care of this gun, and that is why this tragedy occurred.”

Protesters last night gathered outside the White house to again challenge America’s loose gun laws, and the power the NRA holds over the government.  Insiders say this latest protest is just a fad, and will likely quieten down quickly.
Small dog flies plane
January 20, 2016

Flight instructors across Australia are stunned by the news that a chihuahua cross silky terrier has become the first ever canine to fly an aircraft.

The startling news comes just weeks after an industry wide statement that safety on planes needs to be tightened, in light of recent terrorist events.

“You could tell he was nervous, but the flight went really well, and we couldn’t be happier with his progress” said long-time flight instructor Brad Harris.  He goes on to add the plane the dog had been flying was in auto-pilot for the majority of the flight, making it easier for the pint-sized mutt to control.   “These days all you really have to control are the take-offs and landings. I predict in the near future we could be seeing other animals taking steps toward getting their pilot’s license.”

Mike the chihuahua still has a lot of air time to log before getting his license, with thousands of hours of airtime required for a commercial license.

Virgin Australia Founder Richard Branson has also expressed interest in the canine pilot.  “We’ll be keeping a close on this space.” he said, in an interview last week.  “Canines obviously work for much less pay than a human pilot, meaning huge savings for consumers, and a win for all.”

Mike the Chihuahua declined comment, but close friends say he is enjoying the spotlight, and looking forward to logging more airtime.

Millions of Australian thong wearers outraged
January 20, 2016

In what can only be described as a money-grab, the Australian government today announced that they would no longer support Australians who habitually wear socks with thongs.

The announcement comes at a time when the government is already under fire from allegations of bigotry, with the proposed changes to the Newstart Allowance still fresh in everyone’s minds.

Government officials today defended the policy, saying checking for sock with thong wearing was one of the most effective ways to remove Bogans from the Social Security system.

“Reform needs to start somewhere. This government has been blocked in the past from savings in the social security sector, however we are determined to get this bill through, and ensure that ordinary shoe wearing Australian’s are getting the best deal possible.  We will not budge in our pledge to get this bill through the Senate.”

Opposition leader Bill Shorten today said that he would tentatively back the bill, however he wanted to see more details before committing “It’s Bills like this that really show what an Opposition  party are made of” He said yesterday.  “In politics, sometimes you need to put political differences aside, in order to make way for the greater good.”

The Green party yesterday released a statement saying that they would not back the bill, unless proper contingencies were put in place to protect the sock with thong wearing public.  “We just want to make sure that no villification is taking place.  We believe that there may legitimately be some folk out there who don’t realise what they’re doing wrong.”